Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NITK Community Digital Photo Contest 2010-11


Invitation for the
NITK Community Digital Photo Contest 2010-11  
A “RANGKARENG ’85 “ initiative
Sponsored by NITK Alumni Association, & coordinated by KREC Batch 1985 Alumni

Event Vision:
Leverage digital photography as a creative expression to bring all segments of the NITK community together towards enabling increased sense of belonging to the NITK brand, enhancing the emotional value of NITK brand, and increase the level of synergy and collaboration across all segments of NITK community

Who Can Participate?:
Any one from the NITK Community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and any family member of any of the NITKians
Contest Theme:
“NITK Community: Celebration of the Heart, Mind, and Soul”
Key Dates:
Last Date for Submissions: Feb 28, 2011

Contest Details:

Please review the Contest Prospectus document attached.

Mr. M.S. Hebbar, AFIAP, Hon YPS, Hon FIP, a veteran photographer with international recognition will serve as an external jury for the event.

Please rush your submissions with caption and other supporting information as per the entry form attached to

Why you should participate with your family?:
This virtual event is the most effective way to share the spirit and self expression of you and your family members with the rest of the NITK Community.

Please participate and help to make this initiative a grand success.

Best Regards,

NITK Alumni Association Office Bearers,
Da Bang ’85 & RANGKARENG ’85 Organizing Committees

Please contact Nataraja Upadhya at +91 9632824391, for any queries & sponsorship plans.

Attachment: Contest Prospectus Document:


Event Vision: Leverage digital photography as a creative expression to bring all segments of the NITK community together towards enabling increased sense of belonging to the NITK brand, enhancing the emotional value of NITK brand, and increase the level of synergy and collaboration across all segments of NITK community

Who Can Participate?: Any one from the NITK Community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and any family member of any of the NITKians

Key Dates:
Last Date for Submissions: Feb 28, 2011

Contest Theme: “NITK Community: Celebration of the Heart, Mind, and Soul”
Contest Categories:

Category 1: An NITKian in action!
Expression of NITK passion, professional excellence, social commitment, and participation in local, national, and global contexts, professional or otherwise!
Category 2: We are the NITK Family!

The loyalty and sense of intimacy/belonging of an NITKian to personal family and also to the NITK family

Category 3: The Bliss of NITK Campus and Communities!

The expression of physical and spiritual beauty of NITK campus, communities, gatherings, events, expressed through nature, infrastructure, and self expression of individual or groups

Category 4: Miscellaneous: Celebration of Heart, Mind, & Soul
Any excellent quality photograph aligned with event theme not fitting any of the above categories. It can include all standard photo contest categories like landscape, portrait, macro photography etc. etc.
Prizes & Recognitions:
1. For each category:
·         First Prize
·         Second Prize
·         Third Prize
·         Certificate of Merits
·         Acceptances
2. Across all the categories, best photo prize by a
·         Student
·         Faculty
·         Staff
·         Alumnus
·         Family Member of an NITKian
Additional special jury awards may be announced.
Selection Criteria for Prizes and Recognitions:
·         Composition & Clarity
·         Alignment to the Subject matter of the category
·          Story Telling
·         Inspirational Value
External Jury:
Mr. M. S. Hebbar, AFIAP, Hon YPS, Hon FIP, a veteran photographer with international recognition

Rules & Guidelines:
·         The individuals are expected to send only the photographs clicked by themselves.  The organizer cannot be liable for any violation on this rule by any contestant, willfully or otherwise.
·         Only the digital photographs will be received through an email. The email should include all the requisite information about the photograph filled as per the template attached. The photographs can be sent individually in different emails or in a package within one email, but the email should be addressed to
·         The entry form highlighting the details of the contestant and the photographs can be sent either as separate attachment or inserted an inline subject matter within the email associated with the photographs.
·         Entries submitted or exhibited elsewhere are also permitted. The contestant is entirely responsible to ensure that this submission does not violate the rules of earlier submissions.
·         A maximum of 3 entries per individual are permitted within a category
·         Photograph file size should be limited to 1MB. Photograph display size can be of any size, and any color.
·         Any photograph received with no proper entry form information may be rejected.
·         Digital editing / collage of photographs is permitted.
·         The definition of “Family Member” can be any blood relative of any NITKian including faculty, staff, student & alumni.  When the entry belongs to a “Family Member” of an NITKian, the submission to should be through the corresponding NITKian and the entry form should include all the contact details of the contestant as well as the associated NITKian.
·         The copy rights of the photographs will remain with the photograph owner. The organizers have the right to publish the selected photohraphs in the media for the event coverage purpose only, at the alumni events, and on the official websites associated with the organizing event and alumni association.

Please contact Nataraja Upadhya at +91 9632824391, for any queries & sponsorship plans.
NITK Community Digital Photo Contest 2010-11  
A “RANGKARENG ’85 “ initiative

Sponsored by NITK Alumni Association, & coordinated by KREC Batch 1985 Alumni

Entry Form
1.     Contestant Information:
Salutation (Mr/Ms/..)

Full Name


Contact Telephone


Please indicate whether Faculty/ Staff/ Student/ Alumni/ Family Member of an NITKian

If Family Member of an NITKian, please indicate the type of relation to the NITKian, and provide the full name, address, contact phone and email of the NITKian below:

2.     Photo Information:
Folder/File Name
An NITKian in action!



We are the NITK family!



The Bliss of NITK Campus and Communities!



Miscellaneous: Celebration of Heart, Mind, and Soul



I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the contest.

Please contact Nataraja Upadhya at +91 9632824391, for any queries & sponsorship plans.

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